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Kiva - Microfinance Data (Racket Usage)



Kiva is a non-profit microfinance company with a “mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. By leveraging the internet and crowdfunding, Kiva allows anyone, for as little as $25, to help a borrower start or grow a business, go to school, access clean energy or realize their potential.”

Kiva provides a wonderful, free data API at the site For a complete list of all URL data access patterns, go to the page. Since there are so many different ways to access data, below we only demonstrate a few.

Newest Loans

Returns a simple list of the most recent fundraising loans (up to 20 per page, multiple pages available). Here are the API docs.


(require sinbad)

(define ds (sail-to ""

(define-struct loan (id name amt categ))

(fetch ds (make-loan "id" "name" "loan_amount" "sector") (base-path "loans"))   ; list of structs
(fetch ds "paging")    ; assoc list

(manifest ds)


 (make-loan 1404074 "Martin Gerardo" 625 "Health")
 (make-loan 1406568 "Shakeela" 300 "Food")
 (make-loan 1406557 "Lean's Group" 175 "Personal Use"))
 (cons "page" 1)
 (cons "page_size" 20)
 (cons "pages" 279)
 (cons "total" 5569))
Data Source:
Format: json

The following data is available:
structure with {
  loans : list of:
            structure with {
              activity : *
              basket_amount : *
              bonus_credit_eligibility : *
              borrower_count : *
              description : structure with {
                              languages : list of *
              funded_amount : *
              id : *
              image : structure with {
                        id : *
                        template_id : *
              lender_count : *
              loan_amount : *
              location : structure with {
                           country : *
                           country_code : *
                           geo : structure with {
                                   level : *
                                   pairs : *
                                   type : *
                           town : *
              name : *
              partner_id : *
              planned_expiration_date : *
              posted_date : *
              sector : *
              status : *
              tags : list of:
                       structure with {
                         name : *
              use : *
  paging : structure with {
             page : *
             page_size : *
             pages : *
             total : *

Code (paging parameters)

(require sinbad)

(define ds (sail-to ""
                    (param "page" 42)
                    (param "per_page" 30)

(define-struct loan (name amt loc))

(fetch ds (make-loan "name" "loan_amount" "location/country") (base-path "loans"))
(fetch ds "paging")


 (make-loan "Aydee" 300 "El Salvador")
 (make-loan "Clarissa" 200 "Philippines")
 (make-loan "Jamal" 1000 "Lebanon")
 (make-loan "Ana Cecilia" 600 "El Salvador"))
 (cons "page" 42)
 (cons "page_size" 30)
 (cons "pages" 186)
 (cons "total" 5566))

Loan Lenders

Obtain a list of (public) lenders to a particular loan. API docs.

Note: the loan ID can be extracted from loan data fetched as in the examples above, or you can browse Kiva website and note the loan ID in the URL of any particular loan that is accessed interactively via the links on the site.


(require sinbad)

(define loan-id 1406539)

(define ds (sail-to (string-append ""
                                   (number->string loan-id)

(fetch ds "name" "lender_id" (base-path "lenders"))

(manifest ds)


 (list "Samantha" "samantha6090")
 (list "Mission Belt Co" "themissionbeltco")
 (list "Christelle" "christelle8701"))
Data Source:
Format: json

The following data is available:
structure with {
  lenders : list of:
              structure with {
                country_code : *
                image : structure with {
                          id : *
                          template_id : *
                lender_id : *
                name : *
                uid : *
                whereabouts : *
  paging : structure with {
             page : *
             page_size : *
             pages : *
             total : *